Saturday, January 8, 2011


When courage falters, fear takes control
your demons are haunting you and u are unsure
Do you make a last stand and take the fall
or you cave in and let the demons possess your inner hall
Are choices always this tough 
When you cant identify truth from bluff
Your values are all you have staring into obscurity
When you are out in the wild away from security

Is madness really that similar to gravity 
That a mere push is needed to stumble into insanity
What choices you make decide your judgment
your sins and deeds would require special predicament
The future is unsure about whats in store
would you be forgiven and taken in by clearing the score
or would you fill the ranks of the devil and become his instrument of gore
the game is set and the aces are in the hole
with the devil smirking ready to devour your soul

The corruption would be complete and the torture eternal
With a soul shredded to million pieces you would an undead infernal
serving the overlord with unshakable trust as his most trusted minion
as a champion of the realm and warlord of oblivion.

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